Meeting of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority

Members of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority are summoned to a meeting as set out above to transact the following business as set out in the agenda.
Attendance of all Members is expected.
1. Election of Chair
2. Membership of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority
To note the constituent membership of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority (GLCCA).
3. Election of Vice-Chair
4. Apologies for Absence
5. Declarations of Interest
6. Appointment of Statutory Officers
To consider and appoint officers to the roles required in statute through a S113 arrangement.
7. Constitution and Governance Arrangements
To consider and approve the following:
- Constitution (including financial regulations)
- Consents and Concurrency Protocols
- Approve the title of the Mayor under s.42 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
- Appointment of Non Constituent Members: to designate nominating bodies, tor eceive consent to the designation of nominating bodies and accept any nominations for Non Constituent Members and Delegates (Substitutes)
- Appointment of Associate Member
- Recruitment of Independent Person to Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Recruitment of the Independent Person to Chair of the Audit Committee
- Recruitment of Independent Persons for Standards
- Appointments to Outside Bodies including Transport for the North and Rail North Committee.
8. Local Assurance Framework
To consider and approve the Assurance Framework for the GLCCA.
9. Budget 2025-26, Resources and Medium Term Financial Plan
To consider and approve the following:
- Budget for 2025-26
- Medium Term Financial Plan (including Reserves Policy)
- Arrangements for banking
- Approach to external audit
10. Recommended Scheme of Members' Allowances
To consider the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on Member Allowances.
11. Adoption of Policy
To consider and approve the policies required to support the establishment of the GLCCA including the following:
- Anti-Fraud
- Anti-Bribery
- Reporting a Concern (Whistleblowing)
- Risk Management
- Treasury Management
- Complaints
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Handling
- Security Incident Reporting
- Data Breach Reporting
- Privacy Notice
12. Establishing the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority
To consider and approve the operating principles and interim structure of the GLCCA including approach to pay and grading.
13. Appointment of a Combined County Authority Returning Officer for the election of a Mayor on 1 May 2025
To confirm the appointment made by the Constituent Councils in December 2024.
14. Delivering Devolution
To confirm arrangements to progress the devolution deal including future meetings and decisions of the GLCCA.