Grants for the UK Food Valley boost jobs and growth

Devolution will see growth and investment across the whole county and in all our key sectors. One of those areas is the agri-food industry – a major employer across Greater Lincolnshire.
Greater Lincolnshire’s devolution deal not only brings funding every year to support and grow inward investment, but also specific capital funding. £2.4million of this has been allocated for grants within the UK Food Valley in south Lincolnshire.
The UK Food Valley supports growth for existing businesses, and new investors. The ambition is for the area to be a top 10 global food cluster, whilst also strengthening domestic food supply.
Cllr Colin Davie, Lincolnshire County Council’s executive councillor for economy, environment and planning said: “The UK Food Valley was formerly a Greater Lincolnshire LEP project, and now will be driven forward via the council – and we’re completely committed to helping the agri-food sector reach its full potential.
“Making sure businesses have access to the workforce they need with the right training options is vital so they can be at the forefront of this sector.
“Colleges and universities within Greater Lincolnshire will be allocated this grant funding to create, increase or improve agri-food education facilities across the county.”
This investment will provide the skills to support the uptake of automation and digitalisation across the supply chain, upskilling the local workforce and boosting the productivity of the sector.